Were Patriots Setup on January 6th?
Stop the Steal has exclusively obtained these photos of individuals who don’t appear to have been arrested. They appear to have sabotaged our event at the Ellipse and our permitted stage event that was to take place on Lot 8 that we heavily advertised. This was premeditated and not done in conjunction with President Trump, Ali Alexander or Stop the Steal.
The agitators appear to be working in a well trained cell and even have fake credentials ushering in unsuspecting patriots who believed they were being legally guided.
Who all is in this cell? Why are none of these people in the FBI’s USA Today public database?
Four agitators, one for each direction, was tasked with waving unsuspecting patriots into the east side of the US Capitol building, House side. They took the high ground, on an armored vehicle. One agitator is later seen on the House balcony with a man with zip ties. He’s never identified by the FBI or USA Today.
One of the operators in the agitation cell is a medic. He is wearing a credential associated with “Women for America First,” however this appears fake. We will have more information for the public after law enforcement clears this more sensitive information.
What group is this agitation cell affiliated with? Who do they work for? Why are they all wearing heavy equipment and coordinating in a trained formation? Why did they sabotage the Stop the Steal event and wave people away from the permitted Lot 8 event before organizers had a chance to get there?